Components Pro
The chemical composition of Components Pro is based on the method developed by H.W. Balling, however it has been modified and enriched with microelements necessary for the normal function of a marine aquarium. This way, we have obtained 3 fluids intended for dosing in equal amounts on a regular basis in order to fulfil coral demand not only in terms of magnesium and calcium, but also in terms of all other elements, where doses may be difficult for establishing under home conditions, and which require careful and systematic dosing. Maintaining adequate levels of magnesium and calcium also preserves suitable amounts of microelements in a reef aquarium (Ca 380-460 ppm, Mg 1180-1460 ppm).
Component 1 Pro contains: Ca, Sr, Ba, Co, Mn, Cu, Fe, Zn, Ni, Cr, Mo (25 ml/100 l [27 US gal] raises Ca level by 9 ppm). Component 2 Pro contains: NaHCO3, F, I (25 ml/100 l [27 US gal] raises the KH by 1,3 dKH, Alk 0,46 meq/l). Component 3 Pro contains: Mg, mineral salts and S, K, B, Sr, Li. (25 ml/100 l [27 US gal] raises Mg level by 0,76 ppm). Keep away from children. Product for aquarium use only. Not suitable for human consumption. Safety data sheet available on request.